Madipalooza- the day that (almost) all JMU students look forward to. Whether it be for the bands, the free food, free t-shirts, awesome activities, or after parties- Madipalooza has something for everyone!
While it is a known tradition to do a little day-drinking before this amazing festival, make sure to be careful! Unfortunately, it is against the Madipalooza rules to bring any alcohol or illegal substances, and if you are visibly intoxicated, you will be kicked out of the festival! No one wants to miss all the games and free stuff just because they couldn't stand up straight, right? And besides, don't you want to remember the amazing time you have at Madipalooza?
Also make sure to be careful if you do decide to day drink before the festival (only if of legal age, of course)! The sun will be strong that day, so those few mixed drinks could catch up to you a lot quicker than you were expecting.
Even though you aren't allowed to drink at this spring fest, DON'T WORRY! The after parties of Madipalooza are known to be just as awesome as the festival itself. do you budget for these after parties? Well, you didn't hear it from me, but I heard that Madipalooza hands out some awesome drinks...drinks that could be used as mixers...catch my drift?
Make sure to have fun, be safe, eat lots of food, and check back in to the Ramen Budget for more budgeting tips during Madipalooza!