this is my budget journal. i try and make it as cute as possible so i don’t come to hate it. i write down what i spend everyday, stick in some receipts and this way keep track of how much i spend on what. it helps me so much and makes me think twice on spending money on things i don’t need. it’s become absolutely invaluable to me since i’ve started university.
The Ramen Budget is a website directed towards various college students who need direction on how to save money more efficiently. The website is broken down into categories including travel, entertainment, food, drinking, and college life (quick tips), which are meant to cover the components of college on a weekly basis. Although college students are our target audience, we encourage others to view this website as a way to live an affordable life. Keep a look out for updates on this website and across social media that will inform you on the latest ways to save money. From traveling on the weekends to going to a concert to buying new clothes to eating out for dinner to buying groceries for the week to all things fun, we will guide you towards a cost-effective life with no drastic changes!