Tax Day!!!

Happy Tax Day 2k15 ya’ll!! I hope you guys did not forget to file your taxes like me. The moolah you can get back on your return outweighs the struggles of actually doing your taxes in the first place. Am I right? Well in case you are searching for those last minute W-2’s, here are ten things that are more entertaining than filling out tax forms:


1) Grooming your cat

2) Calling your great-grandmother

3) Who am I kidding, literally anything…


Here’s a better list of what to spend your return on:


1) Obamacare

2) An Apple Watch

3) A Netflix Subscription

4) Stock in private prisons

5) A Staycation

6) Google Glasses

7) Anything in a Brookstone Catalog

8) A Record Player

9) Chipotle, Lots of Chipotle