Just PRINT and STICK your designer logo!

Keeping up with trends can be hard on a budget. Fashion trends are always changing and buying designer items can be QUITE the investment. Some of us can’t justify spending hundreds of dollars on items that may or may not last very long.

We here at the Ramen Budget have heard your concerns and have the PERFECT solution to keep up with these fast-paced trends!! 

Now introducing a cheap way to get the designer look you want! 

Starting today: simply PRINT and STICK your designer labels anywhere!  Imagine having designer clothes, shoes, handbags, glasses and more all for free!

Click the following link to get the designer look today:  http://tiny.cc/ac4dwx


Love on a Budget

Having a significant other in college can get very expensive; especially when it comes to movies, eating out, long nights at the bar, weekend trips and anything else that your lovey-dovey minds can come up with to make time for each other. If the relationship you are currently in is on the positive track, while your bank account is on the negative track, here are 10 cheap date ideas that will hopefully last you till it’s summertime and you are back to Facetime calls and endless emojis while doing the whole long distance thing:

1) Grab the sheet off your bed and pack up a delicious picnic in one of the many paper Chipotle bags that you have lying around and take your bae out to the closest park or your college’s quad

2) Go Hiking. Don’t think about it just go. And if you are in a city, then good on you because explore a new part and get lost together

3) Check out your college campus movie theater. Movie prices range from $0-$4 and concessions are even cheaper!

4) Look at the local bowling alleys, roller skating/ice skating rinks etc. and see if they have college night because more often than not they do

5) Check something off your bucket list and go to a shooting range

6) Try stargazing, you never know

7) Go apple picking or whatever fruit farm is around you because nothing tastes better than fresh picked fruit

8) Go to a local pet store or SPCA and play with cats, dogs or an animal of your choosing. Trust me Guys, just trust me on this one

9) Check out your college’s sports teams even if it is not basketball or football season because nothing beats watching sports live

10) When all else fails, go with a Redbox because nothing beats $1 for a movie

Tips for Travel on a Student Budget

Traveling on a student budget is never easy, but traveling while you’re a student is always really fun! Here are a few tips to help you travel without paying too much: 

1. Planes, trains and automobiles: Getting to and around while traveling can quickly drain your spending budget, so choose your mode of transportation carefully. Research flights on multiple sites, which gives you multiple deals so you can compare rates.

2. Packing: Reduce all the clothes you planned on taking, by half. One way to make your traveling easy and cost-efficient is to be an efficient packer. Pack as light as you can because it will make a difference, especially if you have to carry your suitcase on a bus or a train. Do a little research on where you plan to travel — what’s the weather like? Pack clothes that you can mix and match and that are right for the weather and area.

3. Research money to save money: Remember that an ATM always has fees and they can range in number throughout different areas. Be sure to check into your bank’s policies for ATMs and card use, especially abroad. Also check out the exchange rate for where you will be visiting. It may be best to get some foreign currency before you leave because some exchange counters charge large interest rates. 

4. Consider another student ID: If traveling internationally, be sure to get an International Student Identity Card (ISIC), which will give you access to student discounts on flights, entertainment and attractions. Most tourist destinations have student tickets that are much cheaper than regular ones, but only if you have a local or have an international student ID. 

5. Be flexible: Follow the deals! Travel during the off-season or even the beginning/end of peak tourist season because you will travel for much cheaper and it will be less crowded.

Allow your schedule to be a little flexible — some attractions and restaurants have deals if you come on certain days or at certain hours. Also check out those local places that may not be the nicest; some of the best meals you will find are tiny places that cost next to nothing when compared to the hot spots.

Follow these tips – find a cheap flight, pack your bags and set your budget. Now be financially responsible while on the best adventure of your life!
Bon voyage!

Budgeting Apps that Actually Help Save Money

We are always on the go and looking for a quick ways to save money. One easy way to make sure you’re saving time and money is by downloading a few apps for your phone. While there may be some up front costs, certain apps are worth the money in the long run. Here are a few of our favorite money saving apps.

Cartwheel- This free app is for Target shoppers, it offers new savings daily and simply scanned when you check out. 

SnipSnap- Just scroll through your favorite stores and select the coupons you want to use in the future. SnipSnap holds the coupons and sends warnings when the coupon are about to expire.
ShopKick-Get paid to go shopping with this app. Just walk into a store, earn rewards and exchange it for a gift card.
Happy Hour Finder- Find close happy hours and discovers specials before you go.
Campus Special- Use coupons in your area and earn loyalty rewards with every order.
Level Money- Get a snapshot of your spending habits and plan a new budget. Once you have a set budget, Level Money will keep you on track and let you see how much money you have spent.

These are just a few of the thousands of options out there to save money. Many of the apps have free trials so you can test it before you purchase it.

Spring Break Blues

YA’LL WE MADE IT THROUGH THE FIRST WEEK BACK AFTER SPRING BREAK! I, for one, didn’t think it was possible but here we are. So as we get back into the swing of things, it’s important to remember that even though you spent all of your money over spring break, you need to get back to budgeting! So, just a few steps to remember:

1. You can start by either making a budget for the month and then figure out how much you can spend on food week by week.

2. Every Sunday, try and plan out for the rest of the week the meals you will be eating.

3. Then, make a list of all of the ingredients that you will need

4. Once you know what you will need, you can check local grocery stores to see which places have the best prices.

5.Once you get to the store, stick to your list so as to not spend more money.

Using this system, you will stick to your budget while also having enough food for the entire week!

Happy Shopping!

A Night at the “Movies” for Less

I know one of my favorite past times is the movies! But movie theater prices are on the rise to almost $12 a ticket without even including the overpriced food and drinks! I know there are few movies that come out that are worth almost what I make in two hours at my part time job. So what do I do for those movies on the fence where I would rather get the cinematic experience and not have to wait another 6 months to see it on DVD. Well here are some tips for you cinephiles out there:

1) Research your local movie theater(s). Many theaters like AMC and Regal have bonus cards and have student discount days to make your wallet feel better!

2)  If you are an extreme moviegoer, there is a card called moviepass where you can pay $30 a month and have unlimited access to as many movies in the theaters as you would like. Make sure your local theater is a participating one though!

3) Make it a double feature! Pay for one ticket and after your first movie is over, make your way over to a second movie that you are dying to see! Be aware of movie times though to make sure you are not missing anything!

4) Popcorn Time is a piece of software that you can download and it offers some of the most recent movies that are even in theater for free to access whenever you want!

5) If you are in a big city, check out free movie screenings for movies that are not even out yet. I know I am from right outside of DC and I have seen dozens of movies for free before they were even released into the theaters. Gofobo.com is a huge supplier of free movie screening passes

6) When all else fails, there is always Netflix and Redbox

Stay thrifty my friends


*NEW VIRAL VIDEO - it’s all across the internet* 

The Ramen Budget is a website run by college students that posts articles relating to budgeting for travel, entertainment, food, drinking, and college quick tips. This is a parody on the Kim Kardashian #KimsDataStash - T-Mobile Commercial and describes how to budget so college students can still buy name brand items. Check out www.theramenbudget.com!

Thank Goodness for St. Patrick

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! In honor of this happy, booze-filled holiday, make sure to meet up with a bunch of friends, throw on some green, and head out to your favorite bar! Without a doubt, almost every bar today is going to have specials all day and all night.  You may even get lucky and find some bars that are having specials all week long!

BUT if you want to budget The Ramen Budget way, make sure to head out to a restaurant or bar during Happy Hour! Although there are specials going on all day today, Happy Hour specials will be even more fantastic.

Even when it is not St. Patrick’s Day, Happy Hours still run (normally Monday-Friday), and should be considered the best parts of your days!

Personally, on St. Patrick’s Day, my favorite drinks is the (cheap) Green Dublin Apple Cocktail.


  • 2 oz. of Irish whiskey (or just whiskey for the budgeters)
  • 1 oz. of sour apple schnapps (or grab a cheap bottle of “Sour Apple Pucker”)
  • 2 oz. of white cranberry juice (Walmart brand, of course)

So, make sure to head out to your favorite bar, celebrate with friends…, and have an Irish Car Bomb for me!

Stay thrifty!


Spring Break is almost over and soon everyone will be back on their daily routine. While the break was a nice time to rest and recover from school, you may now need to recover from your break. Many students traveled and will soon be coming back to the reality of school and work. The shift from long, relaxing days to hectic, crazy schedules is enough to drive almost anyone crazy. To try to make the transition back to school a bit easier here are some useful and practically free ideas:

Try to reset your internal clock. If you were in a different time zone then the first days back will be a little rough. Try your best to adjust back to the change and slowly get yourself back to your old routine and sleep schedule.

Drink lots of water. If you drank on vacation you will want to make sure you are hydrated. This will make everything easier. Travel can also put a lot of stress on the immune system and drinking water will help keep your body healthy,

Avoid napping. It may seem crazy, but if you keep napping it will take longer to get back on track with your daily routines. Try your best to stay awake and keep your day as normal as possible.

Share your adventure. Make sure to show those close to you photos and stories of your trip. Talking about the time you spent on vacation will help you stay out of the after vacation slump.

Learn something new. On vacation there was always something to do or focus on. At home try to pick up a hobby or find a new interest. By keeping yourself busy you will be less likely to think of how much you miss break and also pick up a new skill.

Plan your next trip. While the last trip is fresh in your memory write down what you liked about the trip and what you would change. This will help make your next vacation even better. If you know what you want to do on your next trip you will be more successful planning it. After writing out your list, start planning the next adventure! Plan where you want to go, what you want to do or see and most importantly how you plan on budgeting for it!

wordsandblacktea:DO THIS!!

this is my budget journal. i try and make it as cute as possible so i don’t come to hate it. i write down what i spend everyday, stick in some receipts and this way keep track of how much i spend on what. it helps me so m…



this is my budget journal. i try and make it as cute as possible so i don’t come to hate it. i write down what i spend everyday, stick in some receipts and this way keep track of how much i spend on what. it helps me so much and makes me think twice on spending money on things i don’t need. it’s become absolutely invaluable to me since i’ve started university.


SPRING BREAK IS FINALLY HERE! #praise. So, some of us may be traveling to a different state for the week and whether you’re going on your parent’s budget or your own, you should always be mindful of how much money you’re spending (or wasting).  You may think that because you’re on vacation that you should change the way that you grocery shop, but that is not the case. Some tips to avoid over-spending while on vacation are the same as when you’re at home: always have a list when you go in, price check items at different locations, and try to keep track of how much each item is as you put it into your basket. These tips will help you to have more money to spend while you’re on your vacation instead of throwing it into food. Now, if you are staying at a hotel, you may not have a lot of availability as to what you can cook in your room so you may be forced to eat out, which can definitely wrack up the bill. In this case, I would check around to all of your possible food destinations to see who has the best prices with the best food (this can sometimes be a trial and error process). On the other hand, if you are paying more to have a room with a kitchen in it, then definitely stock up on food and make your own meals when you can so you can spend your money on other things besides eating out.
Another tip for spring break would be to go into the trip with a budget in mind. Count up the cost of gas (if you’re driving), meals, flights, rental cars, factor in money for going out for drinks; if it cost money, add it to the budget. This will help you know ahead of time how much money you will be out of once the week is up, instead of being surprised when you look at your bank account next Monday!
I hope everyone has a great, safe, and relatively cheap spring break! 


10 Cheapest Ways to Get Drunk!

Being able to afford rent, groceries, books, and alcohol is difficult- sometimes seeming impossible. Therefore, sometimes, as college students, we just need to suck it up and chug the gross stuff.  If it’s cheap and gets the job done, we should be able to deal with it for just 4 years…right?

Although you’ll be considered the “cool” kid that goes out and buys bottles of Cîroc and Belvedere every weekend, your wallet will not be praising you as much.

To help all you college students and budgeters with your dilemmas, I have compiled a list of the ten cheapest ways to get drunk!

10. 6-pack tall boys- Depending on the brand, these will only run you about $6- $7! As long as you keep them to yourself, you’ll have a good buzz going on before the end.
9.  Split a cheap 30 pack- Natural Light, Keystone, Busch Light- I’m sure you all know of these water tasting beers.  HOWEVER, they will get the job done, even though they aren’t exactly a craft beer.
8. Oak’s Leaf- This semi-tasty wine is just $2!
7. Natural Ice- Bet you didn’t think Natural Light could get any worse, right? Well guess again! Natural Ice has even more alcohol content, and tastes even more disgusting than Natty.  5.9% abv, $13 for a 30-pack, $1.83 per 3 oz. of alcohol
6. Mad-Dogs- These will sneak up on you for cheap!
5. Jungle Juice- Grab a bunch of your favorite $1 juices, some sodas, and cheap vodka and you have your own personal jungle juice! If you’re feeling fancy, you can add in some fruit too.
4. Forty- Malt liquor…yikes. This is a type of beer with higher alcohol content that is sold in forty ounces for cheap.  I’m sure you have heard of Colt 45 or Steel Reserves, so go try them out for yourself and see!
3. Franzia- A box of wine… what more could you ask for? This amazing invention contains 5 liters of your favorite type of wines- all for only about $15!
2. Four Loko- We have all heard the horror stories that go along with these little devils. However, they will definitely get you drunk for cheap! These run about $2- $3.
1. Burnette’s- Of course, number 1 on this list has to be the infamous Burnette’s vodka. Burnette’s has every flavor you could ever want and more. For just  $16 you can get a bottle of Burnette’s (1.75 L) or just $8 for 1/5 of vodka (750 mL)!

There’s your list! So be safe, and make sure to budget while you drink!

Until next time, 


Travel Deals for Spring Break 2015

First of all, always plan ahead. Plan how you will be traveling, whether by car, bus, train, or plane. Knowing your type of transportation is important because it determines a bulk of the cost, other than where you will be staying. Also take note how you will get around once you arrive at your destination. If you are driving there, it will not a problem because you will have your car. But it will be different if you are traveling there any other way. The best idea is to stay somewhere that has everything included and you won’t have to transport very far.

One way to plan ahead for the best spring break travel is to visit http://www.studentcity.com. StudentCity has been in business since 1987 and is one of the student travel industry leaders for spring, winter, and summer break trips. StudentCity has brought over 400,000 students to top destinations all over the world. College students are the main audience because unique experiences are offered with convenience travel packages for groups of all sizes.

StudentCity offers the total package, combining flight and bus transport, hotel or resort accommodations, and exclusive events. StudentCity therefore solves all previous problems that I mentioned before.

The steps to travel with StudentCity include:

1) Contact StudentCity or go online
2) Pick a destination and make your reservation
3) Pay your deposit
4) Make payment plan
5) Complete your final payment
6) Add your party package
7) Print travel documents
8) Travel!!
9) Arrive, Welcome Orientation, and Hotel Check-In

All in all, StudentCity is a great way to spoil yourself for spring break. Also you will still be working with a budget because this trip will supply for travel needs as a college students. Everything is included so you will not be paying extra money and you can book a destination with the best packages. StudentCity also allows you to create a payment plan for yourself and others in your group. Ultimately your trip does not have to be paid in full right away and individual travelers can pay his or her trip on their own when booking a trip in a large group.

Anyways have fun whenever your spring break way be and be sure to pick the best deals so you get to travel, while still living on a budget.

Winter Blues

So we all know that this winter has been brutal. Just in the past two weeks we’ve had over a foot of snow and quite frankly, I’m over it. I’m ready for warm weather, bikinis, and mojitos by the beach. But nonetheless, this cold weather is here and apparently here to stay, so, let’s try and make the best of it. We also all know that Buzzfeed has the latest and greatest when it comes to list. So with minimal searching I quickly found several articles that were trending on recipes in several different food groups. The one I found to be the most helpful was posted on the 21st of February, by Christine Byrne, entitled, 27 Pasta Recipes To Help You Survive The Winter. This article was super helpful because it give you direct links to all of the recipes and all of the examples looked fantastic. What is also helpful to know is that pasta ($2-$3 per box) is relatively cheap, whatever meat (anywhere from $3-$10) you decide to use in the pasta is usually not going to break the bank, and finally sauces ($3-$5) are cheap as well. What is really neat about making pasta and what makes it so cheap is that pasta has the potential to make a large amount therefore you could eat off of it all week, if you so choose. Okay guys, head on over to the “Food” section and you’ll find the link for the cool Buzzfeed article I found telling you all of the great pasta ideas that you can use to help you survive this cold winter!
